Innovative Approach
Deep Experience
Unsurpassed Quality
Sterling Integrity
Tailored Service
Cutting edge review with over a 99% pass rate! Strategies for NCLEX success are paramount! Our content corresponds with the NCLEX blueprint and test taking approaches are emphasized throughout. Comprehensive and predictive testing is also available.
Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation is a communication technique that provides the framework for communication between healthcare team members. In a four module program participants are taught how to relay information in a clear and concise manner which has been proven to improve safety and clinical outcome.
The venipuncture procedure and IV management are complex. This program provides the nurse with the knowledge and skill essential to successfully starting and maintaining IV solutions.
A cadre of courses such as EKG Interpretation (both basic and advanced), assessment, CCRN Review, and Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes are available and are tailored to meet the specific needs of your nurses.
A full spectrum of programs designed to help the novice to advance in skill are available. They will enhance the knowledge and skill level of nurses that care for Geriatric patients in a wide variety of practice settings. ANCC Geriatric Certification Review Course is also available.
The bells and whistles, what do they mean? How can the nurse, whether it be an ICU, ER, home care, or hospice, nurse best manage a patient on a mechanical ventilator? VAP is avoidable: recommendations from the CDC and IHI are woven throughout management of a patient on a ventilator. Classes targeted for assessment, modes, and weaning strategies are also available. Over 30% of nursing practitioners today are foreign born and educated. Full immersion into a practical setting is essential for retention and for safe and effective patient care. This program component addresses this need.
Three different concept courses are available to accomodate the novice to expert professional nurses. We will help you recruit and retain happy, satisfied nurses.
Whether transitioning from a bedside nurse to a charge nurse, we will help you develop your leadership potential. Practical skills and strategies needed to be an effective leader are taught in a non-threatening, safe environment.
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